RSVP for Classes - Notes and Code - Support Classes at - Find All Classes at - LinkedIn at - Time to BUILD!!! Bro... Do you even API??? In this session we'll build 5 web apps that use OpenAI's API for processing and intelligence functions. The OpenAI API gives you most of the functionality of ChatGPT, but does it in a way so that you can build your own programs to be able to complete the tasks that are important to you. Instead of using the AI through ChatGPT that gives a generic experience you can customize what you and your users interact with. We'll be using Bottle as the Web App framework, and SQLite as our database backend. This will allow us to have a fully functioning app that we can use through our browser. By building your own AI powered apps you can hard code in what users can or cannot do. You can give your app a local "memory" so that queries that match past ones can be served from the database instead of consuming tokens, and you can allow managers to be able to see how users are using your app to determine functional or other issues. This session will be good both for folks who want to code, and for decision makers so that they better understand what a custom AI powered app entails. I will demonstrate and explain all of the projects, and then you can build them on your own during the class. If you have problems I can help, and use screen share if needed to see where you might have issues.